Hemerocallis or Daylilies are extremely popular, low maintenance perennials that produce loads of color throughout the summer. Their trumpet shaped blooms come in a wide range of colors, in single and double forms and range from tiny 1 1/2" flowers to huge 8" blooms. Many are fragrant. Each individual bloom lasts only a day (hence their common name), but the profusion of buds assures near constant flowering throughout the season. Sun lovers, daylilies are very resistant to heat and drought, but they will tolerate some shade and moist soils and still bloom nicely.
For best performance we recommend daylilies be cut back to about six inches after they bloom. This will encourage fresh foliage growth and often promote additional blooming. In addition, we recommend that they be divided every three years to reinvorgorate the plants and to increase bloom (crowded plants may have diminished blooms).
Tetraploid plants have twice as many chromosomes, which causes them to be stronger growers and to have larger flowers with higher bud counts.
Extended Bloom means the individual flowers are open more than 16 hours a day.
Heat and humidity tolerant varieties are especially color-fast on hot, humid days.
Rebloomers are varieties that dependably put out additional blooms after their first flush of flowers, extending their bloom season considerably.
Bloom time: Early - June Midseason- July Late - August
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