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Ornamental grasses are essential components of many landscapes. We offer a wide variety of both native and non-native grasses, as well as grass-like plants such as rushes, sedges, and liriope. Grasses are generally very low maintenance plants, usually only requiring that they be cut back once a year to remove old foliage, usually in late winter or very early spring.

Grasses should be planted while they are actively growing. Evergreen types may be planted any time, but plants that go winter dormant should be planted before they turn brown in the fall.

(If you are a wholesale customer, please note that we cannot ship Imperata 'Red Baron' outside of Virginia.)

Hardiness Zone
Acorus gramineus minimus Aureus

Acorus gramineus minimus Aureus

Sweet Flag

Dwarf fans of bright golden leaves make a colorful evergreen groundcover or highlight for a rock garden. Moisture loving plants, they form mats of stiff, narrow bladed leaves. Can tolerate clay soil. Deer resistant. Moderate foot traffic. Space on

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Acorus gramineus variegatus Wogon

Acorus gramineus variegatus Wogon

Sweet Flag

Bright, golden fans of grassy leaves are narrowly edged in green. Evergreen. These moisture loving plants form mats of flowing, narrow bladed leaves. Can tolerate clay soil. Deer resistant.

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Arundo donax Peppermint Stick

Arundo donax Peppermint Stick

Giant Reed Grass

Tall, sturdy canes that resemble corn plants are adorned with wide green and white striped leaves. Unlike the species, this cultivar maintains its variegation throughout the summer. In fall it is topped with 18" tall bronze-burgundy plumes.

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Calamagrostis acutiflora Karl Foerster

Calamagrostis acutiflora Karl Foerster

Feather Reed Grass

Upright, clumping, grassy green foliage displays "see through" reddish-bronze plumes in summer which fade to tan by fall. Good winter interest. 2001 Perennial Plant of the Year.

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Carex appalachica

Carex appalachica

Appalachian Sedge

Fine-textured grassy leaves with a fountaining habit characterize this native of dry woods in Eastern U.S. A medium to fast grower. Makes a great groundcover for slopes.

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Carex buchananii Firefox

Carex buchananii Firefox


A selected strain with fine evergreen foliage that is deep fox brown to red and characterized by a strongly upright habit. Tips may have a decorative curl. Good winter hardiness even to zone 5. Fantastic planted with silver or burgundy leaved plan

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Carex buchananii (Red Fox)

Carex buchananii (Red Fox)


Vase-shaped clumper with interesting fine textured brown foliage that is rusty orange at the bottom and somewhat curled on its tips. Deer resistant. May self-sow.

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Carex elata Bowles Golden

Carex elata Bowles Golden


Clear, bright golden-yellow foliage with a narrow green margin is stunning planted with golden variegated hostas and ferns in partial shade. Deciduous. Effective when used as groundcovers or edges.

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Carex flaccosperma

Carex flaccosperma


Strong clump forming sedge with glaucous blue foliage that is 1/2" wide. Spreads slowly and is drought tolerant. Excellent evergreen groundcover! Native. Deer resistant.

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Carex glauca (flacca) Blue Zinger

Carex glauca (flacca) Blue Zinger

Blue Sedge

This pretty sedge has attractive, narrow, blue-green grass-like foliage that grows in clumps 10"-16" tall. It is more upright and its color is lighter blue than the species. Usually evergreen, it spreads slowly by rhizomes. Excellent for rain gard

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Carex laxiculmis Hobb Bunny Blue™

Carex laxiculmis Hobb Bunny Blue™

Bunny Blue Sedge

This low-growing native sedge has lovely silvery blue, evergreen foliage and forms large, dense moderately spreading clumps. Works well in the border, shade garden or in containers.  Plant patent applied for.

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Carex morrowii Ice Dance

Carex morrowii Ice Dance


Bright white and dark green grassy leaves make a showy groundcover. Semi-evergreen plants have a vigorous habit and spread by underground rhizomes. Deer resistant. A favorite! May be cut back in early spring.

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Carex morrowii Silver Sceptre

Carex morrowii Silver Sceptre


Narrow 1/2" green leaves have white margins that give it a fine textured appearance. Forms thick, silvery clumps. Great semi-evergreen groundcover and also effective as an edger. Deer resistant.

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Carex oshimensis Everest

Carex oshimensis Everest


Deep blue-green,  leaves edged in bright white form pretty fountain like mounds. Lovely in containers! Prefers partial to light shade and average moisture. Clumping. Evergreen.

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Carex oshimensis Everglow

Carex oshimensis Everglow

Japanese Sedge

Evergreen, grass-like shiny foliage has a hint of orange to its creamy edges in summer. In fall, winter & spring the entire plant has a pretty sunset orange color. Clumping plants are low-maintenance. Excellent for borders, containers or groun

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Carex oshimensis Evergold

Carex oshimensis Evergold


Handsome creamy-yellow and green variegated grass-like foliage. Mound forming with a swirling habit. Evergreen. Deer resistant. May be trimmed back by 2/3's in early spring.

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Carex oshimensis Everillo

Carex oshimensis Everillo


Grassy, lime-green leaves form mounding fountains that light up the border. Leaves gradually deepen to golden yellow. Best color is maintained with some morning sun. Performs well in dry shade! Evergreen. Plant patented.

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Carex oshimensis Evercolor Eversheen

Carex oshimensis Evercolor Eversheen


Shiny deep green leaves have bright limy yellow centers. Plants form fine-textured, weeping mounds that maintain their good looks year round. Nice in containers. Evergreen. Plant patented.

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Carex oshimensis Feather Falls

Carex oshimensis Feather Falls


Striking green and white, grassy foliage on large plants that have a lovely waterfall form. It has more sun tolerance than other variegated Carex, plus good heat tolerance. Evergreen. Fantastic for containers as well as in the landscape.

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Carex pensylvanica

Carex pensylvanica

Oak Sedge

This native makes a wonderful groundcover for dry, part sun to shady areas. Fine textured, slowly spreading plants have a tough constitution and provide both food and shelter for small birds. Try this one under trees where grass won't grow.

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Carex plantaginea

Carex plantaginea

Seersucker Sedge

Broad (1+"), shiny, evergreen leaves are puckered like seersucker. Very attractive for moist shady areas where it thrives and spreads to make a lovely groundcover.

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Carex stricta

Carex stricta

Tussock Sedge

A wetland native this bright green plant forms a grassy mound that is straw-colored at the base. Plants spread via rhizomes to form a deer-resistant groundcover for meadows, bogs, wetlands and stream edges. Great for erosion control.

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Carex tenuiculmis Cappuccino

Carex tenuiculmis Cappuccino

New Zealand Hair Sedge

Fine grassy foliage emerges olive green to red-brown and changes to coppery-brown with orange tips. Red/orange shades predominate in fall. Great in containers or for massing.

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Carex testacea Indian Summer

Carex testacea Indian Summer

Copper Sedge

Fine textured clumps of low cascading foliage start out olive green. The leaves take on copper and orange tones as the season progresses. Best color is in sun. Evergreen and nice for containers.

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